Implementing a Siamese Network

A beginner-friendly implementation guide.

Implementing a Siamese Network
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Implementing a Siamese Network

In yesterday’s issue, we learned how a Siamese network trained using contrastive loss can help us build a face unlock system.

Today, let’s understand the implementation.

Quick recap

If you haven’t read yesterday’s issue, I highly recommend it before reading ahead. It will help you understand the true motivation behind WHY we are using it:

Contrastive Learning Using Siamese Networks
Building a face unlock system.

Here’s a quick recap of the overall idea:

    • If a pair belongs to different entities, the true label will be 1.
    • If a pair belongs to the same entity, the true label will be 0.
    • Pass both inputs through the same network to generate two embeddings.
    • If the true label is 0 (same entity) → minimize the distance between the two embeddings.
    • If the true label is 1 (different entities) → maximize the distance between the two embeddings.

Next, define a network like this:

Create a dataset of face pairs:

Contrastive loss (defined below) helps us train such a model:


  • y is the true label.
  • D is the distance between two embeddings.
  • margin is a hyperparameter, typically greater than 1.
If you haven’t read yesterday’s issue, I highly recommend it before reading ahead. It will help you understand the true motivation behind why we are using it:Contrastive Learning Using Siamese NetworksAvi Chawla·28 SeptRead full story


Next, let’s look at the implementation of this model.

For simplicity, we shall begin with a simple implementation utilizing the MNIST dataset. In a future issue, we shall explore the face unlock model.

Let’s implement it.

As always, we start with some standard imports:

Next, we download/load the MNIST dataset:

Now, recall to build a Siamese network, we have to create image pairs:

  • In some pairs, the two images will have the same true label.
  • In other pairs, the two images will have a different true label.

To do this, we define a SiameseDataset class that inherits from the Dataset class of PyTorch:

This class will have three methods:

  • The __init__ method:
The data parameter will be mnist_train and mnist_test defined earlier.
  • The __len__ method:
  • The __getitem__ method, which is used to return an instance of the train data. In our case, we shall pair the current instance from the training dataset with:
    • Either another image from the same class as the current instance.
    • Or another image from a different class.
    • Which class to pair with will be decided randomly.

The __getitem__ method is implemented below:

  • Line 5: We obtain the current instance.
  • Line 7: We randomly decide whether this instance should be paired with the same class or not.
  • Lines 9-12: If flag=1, continue to find an instance until we get an instance of the same class.
  • Lines 14-17: If flag=0, continue to find an instance until we get an instance of a different class.
  • Line 19-21: Apply transform if needed.
  • Line 23:
    • If the two labels are different, the true label for the pair will be 1.
    • If the two labels are the same, the true label for the pair will be 0.

After defining the class, we create the dataset objects below:

Next, we define the neural network:

  • The two input images are fed through the same network to generate an embedding (outputA and outputB).

Moving on, we define the contrastive loss:

Almost done!

Next, we define the dataloader, the model, the optimizer, and the loss function:

Finally, we train it:

And with that, we have successfully implemented a Siamese Network using PyTorch.


Let’s look at some results using images in the test dataset:

We can generate a similarity score as follows:

  • Image pair #1: Similarity is high since both images depict the same digit:
  • Image pair #2: Similarity is low since both images depict different digits:
  • Image pair #3: Similarity is high since both images depict the same digit:
  • Image pair #4: Similarity is low since both images depict different digits:

Great, it works as expected!

And with that, we have successfully implemented and verified the predictions of a Siamese Network.

That said, there’s one thing to note.

Since during the data preparation step, we paired the instance either with the same or a different class…

…this inherently meant that this approach demands labeled data.

There are several techniques to get around this, which we shall discuss soon.

👉 In the meantime, it’s over to you: Can you tell how you would handle unlabeled data in this case?

The code for today’s issue is available here: Siamese Network Implementation.


From local ML to production ML​​​

Once a model has been trained, we move to productionizing and deploying it.

If ideas related to production and deployment intimidate you, here’s a quick roadmap for you to upskill (assuming you know how to train a model):

This roadmap should set you up pretty well, even if you have NEVER deployed a single model before since everything is practical and implementation-driven.


No-Fluff Industry ML resources to

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At the end of the day, all businesses care about impact. That’s it!

  • Can you reduce costs?
  • Drive revenue?
  • Can you scale ML models?
  • Predict trends before they happen?

We have discussed several other topics (with implementations) in the past that align with such topics.

Here are some of them:

  • Learn sophisticated graph architectures and how to train them on graph data in this crash course.
  • So many real-world NLP systems rely on pairwise context scoring. Learn scalable approaches here.
  • Run large models on small devices using Quantization techniques.
  • Learn how to generate prediction intervals or sets with strong statistical guarantees for increasing trust using Conformal Predictions.
  • Learn how to identify causal relationships and answer business questions using causal inference in this crash course.
  • Learn how to scale and implement ML model training in this practical guide.
  • Learn 5 techniques with implementation to reliably test ML models in production.
  • Learn how to build and implement privacy-first ML systems using Federated Learning.
  • Learn 6 techniques with implementation to compress ML models.

All these resources will help you cultivate key skills that businesses and companies care about the most.

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