The Mathematics Behind RBF Kernel

...and why it so powerful

The Mathematics Behind RBF Kernel

A couple of days back, I wrote about kernels and why the kernel trick is called a โ€œtrick.โ€

To recap, the kernel provides a way to compute the dot product between two vectors, X and Y, in some high-dimensional space without projecting the vectors to that space.

In that post, we looked at the polynomial kernel and saw that it computes the dot product of a 2-dimensional vector in a 6-dimensional space without explicitly visiting that space.

Today, I want to continue that discussion and talk about the RBF kernel, another insanely powerful kernel, which is also the default kernel in a support vector classifier class implemented by sklearn:

To begin, the mathematical expression of the RBF kernel is depicted below (and consider that we have just a 1-dimensional feature vector):

You may remember from high school mathematics that the exponential function is defined as follows:

Expanding the square term in the RBF kernel expression, we get:

Distributing the gamma term and expanding the exponential term using the exponent rule, we get:

Next, we apply the exponential expansion to the last term and get the following:

Almost done.

Notice closely that the exponential expansion above can be rewritten as the dot product between the following two vectors:

And there you go.

We get our projection function:

It is evident that this function maps the 1-dimensional input to an infinite-dimensional feature space.

This shows that the RBF kernel function we chose earlier computes the dot product in an infinite-dimensional space without explicitly visiting that space.

This is why the RBF kernel is considered so powerful, allowing it to easily model highly complex decision boundaries.

Here, I want to remind you that even though the kernel is equivalent to the dot product between two infinite-dimensional vectors, we NEVER compute that dot product, so the computation complexity is never compromised.

That is why the kernel trick is called a โ€œtrick.โ€ In other words, it allows us to operate in high-dimensional spaces without explicitly computing the coordinates of the data in that space.

Isnโ€™t that cool?

Did you like the mathematical details here? If yes, we covered the mathematical foundations in such an intuitive and beginner-friendly way of many concepts here:

๐Ÿ‘‰ Over to you: Can you tell a major pain point of the kernel trick algorithms?

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