A Crash Course on Building RAG Systems – Part 3 (With Implementation)

A deep dive into making RAG systems faster (with implementations).

A Crash Course on Building RAG Systems – Part 3 (With Implementation)


So far, we have discussed two key aspects of RAG systems in this crash course:

  • In Part 1, we covered how to build RAG systems, introducing you to the foundational components that make these systems work.
A Crash Course on Building RAG Systems – Part 2 (With Implementation)
A deep dive into evaluating RAG systems (with implementations).
  • In Part 2, we learned how to evaluate RAG systems, exploring essential metrics and methodologies to measure their accuracy and relevance.
A Crash Course on Building RAG Systems – Part 1 (With Implementation)
A practical and beginner-friendly crash course on building RAG apps (with implementations).

But we aren’t done yet.

See, even with a robust vector database and careful evaluation, RAG systems can suffer from latency issues (slow retrieval, to be specific).

Several factors contribute to this slowness, such as the size of the embeddings, the complexity of retrieval operations and the underlying algorithm used (which we discussed in the vector database article), and the computational demands of large-scale vector similarity searches.

Thus, optimizing is a critical consideration if you’re aiming to deploy these systems or even use them for internal purposes.

This is precisely what we’ll discuss in this part (Part 3 of our RAG series)—how to optimize RAG systems for speed and make them practically useful.

More specifically, we need to learn techniques to reduce the memory footprint and computational load of the system, which can deliver faster retrieval and inference without compromising too much on accuracy.

Let's dive in!

Traditional RAG

The RAG implementations we have done in Part 1 and Part 2 primarily used a functional approach.

This time, let’s take a modular approach (object-oriented programming based) to build our RAG system by encapsulating different components of RAG (retrieval, and generation) into classes.

First, we shall start with a small dataset (about 18k vectors) so that you can try it hands-on, even on your personal computers.

You can execute the code below in a Jupyter notebook.

Dataset preparation

Before diving into building the RAG system, we need to prepare a dataset.

For this tutorial, we’ll use the SQuAD dataset (Stanford Question Answering Dataset), which contains questions, contexts, and answers.

While the full dataset includes tens of thousands of entries, we’ll only gather the contexts, embed them, and store them in our vector database since the context is the only thing we have to rely on as a "knowledge base” we need to fetch answers from.

Here’s the code to load and preprocess this dataset:

  • First, we download the dataset using the datasets library (make sure it is installed—pip install datasets).
  • In this dataset, each context has multiple different question and answer pairs. That is why our data object will have repeated contexts. Thus, we only extract unique context fields. These individual contexts will later be embedded and stored in a vector database.

Printing one of the elements of the texts list, we get:

Embed dataset

Now that we have our dataset, we need to create its embeddings. So in this case, we shall define an embedding on context-level, i.e., each element of the above texts list will be embedded into a single vector.

We’ll encapsulate this functionality in an EmbedData class. This class will:

  1. Handle the loading of an embedding model.
  2. Provide methods to batch-process the dataset for efficient embedding generation.
  3. Store the generated embeddings for use in the retrieval system.

First, let's define the EmbedData class and the __init__ method with all the necessary instance-level attributes.

In the above code:

  • self.embed_model_name stores the embedding model's name for reference.
  • self.embed_model will store the embedding model returned by a method we shall define shortly that will load the embedding model and return it.
  • self.batch_size specifies the size of each batch for embedding.
  • self.embeddings is a list to store the generated embeddings.

Next, let's define the method to load the embedding model:

While the above part is intuitive and self-explanatory, cache_folder='./hf_cache' specifies a local folder to cache the model for future use so that we don't have to redownload it later.

Next, we need a method to actually use the above embedding model and generate embeddings for a batch of data. The generate_embedding method defined below does that:

The context parameter here is a list of passages we saw earlier.

The method accepts the list and returns a list of embeddings using the get_text_embedding_batch method of the embedding model.

Finally, we have an embed method that orchestrates the embedding process for all contexts by batching the process and invoking the generate_embedding method for each batch.

  • First, we store the full list of contexts as an attribute (self.contexts).
  • Next, we iterate through the contexts list in batches using the batch_iterate function. For each batch
    • We invoke the generate_embedding to create embeddings.
    • We append the generated embeddings to the self.embeddings list.
  • After the process completes, self.embeddings contains vector representations of all input contexts.

Almost done!

Finally, we instantiate this class as follows and generate embeddings:

The above process will take some time, but once it's done, you can move to the next step.

If you want to save some time, do this...

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